Repairing extremely out of date server

thanks. got the migrations up to 2024_08_16_134928_release-imagick-ref now. that’s failing but i’m almost up to date there.
php -v is reporting 7.4.33 still but usr/local/bin//php -v is at 8.1.29
the service is running but no sites are up. it looks like there was a switch from apache to nginx at some point?

In order to proceed further, I would need to know the specifics of the error message.

Run EditDomain --reconfig --all. If sites are still down, check the service to determine what is inhibiting it. See PHP-FPM > Pool fails to start.


(RuntimeException) EXCEPTION: STDOUT: 
PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************

TASK [common/migrate : Locate migration files] *********************************
included: /usr/local/apnscp/resources/playbooks/migrations/2024_08_16_134928_release-imagick-ref.yml for localhost => (item=Running 2024_08_16_134928_release-imagick-ref)

TASK [common/migrate : command] ************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd", "misc:release-fsghost", "/usr/lib64/"], "delta": "0:00:00.366834", "end": "2024-08-26 10:57:27.749958", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 255, "start": "2024-08-26 10:57:27.383124", "stderr": "ERROR  : Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'\n         0. Error_Reporter::add_error(\"File does not exist within `%%(path)s'\", [[path:\"/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE\"]])\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/log_wrapper.php:72]\n         1. error(\"File does not exist within `%%(path)s'\", [path:\"/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE\"])\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/modules/misc.php:861]\n         2. Misc_Module->release_fsghost(\"/usr/lib64/\")\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Skeleton/Standard.php:145]\n         3. Module\\Skeleton\\Standard->_invoke(\"release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/apnscpfunction.php:983]\n         4. apnscpFunctionInterceptor->call(\"misc_release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:55]\n         5. CLI\\__call(\"misc_release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:574]\n         6. CLI\\main()\n            [/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd:7]\n----------------------------------------\nMESSAGE SUMMARY\nReporter level: ERROR\nERROR: Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'\n----------------------------------------\nERROR: Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'", "stderr_lines": ["ERROR  : Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'", "         0. Error_Reporter::add_error(\"File does not exist within `%%(path)s'\", [[path:\"/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE\"]])", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/log_wrapper.php:72]", "         1. error(\"File does not exist within `%%(path)s'\", [path:\"/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE\"])", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/modules/misc.php:861]", "         2. Misc_Module->release_fsghost(\"/usr/lib64/\")", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Skeleton/Standard.php:145]", "         3. Module\\Skeleton\\Standard->_invoke(\"release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/apnscpfunction.php:983]", "         4. apnscpFunctionInterceptor->call(\"misc_release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:55]", "         5. CLI\\__call(\"misc_release_fsghost\", [\"/usr/lib64/\"])", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:574]", "         6. CLI\\main()", "            [/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd:7]", "----------------------------------------", "MESSAGE SUMMARY", "Reporter level: ERROR", "ERROR: Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'", "----------------------------------------", "ERROR: Misc_Module::release_fsghost(): File does not exist within `/home/virtual/FILESYSTEMTEMPLATE'"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=7    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Based upon the migration output, it’s detecting 8. What’s in /etc/redhat-release? What does upcp report at this time?

I had to run the rocky conversion script in order to fix a lot of the broken dependancies. The good news is the transfer tool looks to be working at this point, so i’m going to get another VPS spun up and try to transfer everything off this box.

Not having much luck with the transfer tool either.

WARNING: CLI_Transfer::_sync_dns(): Record transfer failed for `': Dns_Module::zoneAxfr(): Cannot fetch zone information for `': no master nameserver configured in config.ini
WARNING: SoapClient::__construct(http://localhost:2082/apnscp.wsdl): Failed to open stream: Connection refused 

         0. SoapClient->__construct("http://localhost:2082/apnscp.wsdl", [connection_timeout:30, location:"http://localhost:2082/soap?authkey=c92ce2a253d6f8f45a884199b0bd8b7b93f042645f1fc468a6548d7633ab534d", uri:"urn:apnscp.api.soap", trace:false])
         1. Util_API::create_client("c92ce2a253d6f8f45a884199b0bd8b7b93f042645f1fc468a6548d7633ab534d", "localhost:2082")
WARNING: SoapClient::__construct(http://localhost:2082/apnscp.wsdl): Failed to open stream: Connection refused 

DNS should be set to cloudflare on both servers.

Panel frontend is not running on the source server. It’s required for the SOAP API. At that stage of migration though, your files should be transferred over.

at -l

Will show the second pending migration set to run 24 hours from now. Once this migration completes, DNS will be changed over if the panel has authority to manage DNS for your domains.

What do I need to check there? It’s a fresh box running rocky linux 8 with a fresh install of apiscp. The service is running and I can access the panel itself.

That error is on the source server from which you’re migrating off. I edited my last reply to add a bit more info. At that point in the migration data has been migrated over and this part is just to send notices to users.

I ran the job with the --all and --stage=0 flags. This failure only caused the first site to be run. Do I need to run each site individually? It there anything I need to check on the old server? apiscp is running but I wasn’t able to get any of the sites or the panel back up.

That shouldn’t terminate the loop, were there any errors that followed, such as “Unauthorized”?

I deleted the user on the new box and reran the migration. here’s the log: (2.3 KB)

I did miss some other errors when i looked at it before. sorry about that.

In this situation, dns,provider=builtin but you’ve not configured DNS for the account. If using Cloudflare, you can reconfigure the site to use the Cloudflare DNS proivder or disable DNS all together for the site by changing the DNS provider to null, e.g. EditDomain -c dns,provider=null siteXX.

Additionally, ensure you have public key authentication setup between the servers. See DigitalOcean’s guide to setting up public key authentication.

WARN: /etc/systemd/user/fsmount.init reload site1: NON-ZERO RETURN: 255
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again. Permission denied (publ...

Set the DNS to null and fixed the private keys. It’s still stopped after a single site. I’m not seeing anything in the logs to indicate why. (2.0 KB)

Same as last time, local HTTP panel server is down. I’ve added an extra check that will allow everything to go through now that your prerequisites are satisfied.

Run upcp on the source server from which you’re migrating. --all flag will work as expected now.

looks like a pull was enough to get that change on the server. still can’t get that august migration to run. that successfully got the data off that server. thanks!

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