Forum Software Suggestion MYBB and PHPBB

What would you like to see added to apnscp? Let us know and help make apnscp a better panel.

Can you please add Phpbb and also Mybb forum software to the webapps as would be brilliant if you supported more than just 1 Forum Software I know you have got Discourse at present what is the best but would be good for some others

Flarum and Vanilla are also supported and very much alive in terms of development.

I’m not sure what added value we get by having 5 forum flavors supported.

I see your point but would that not be 4 as Discourse and Flarum and Vanilla

I know Phpbb and mybb have a lot of addons for them what are easy to install - well mybb is

@msaladna Official releases have ended — Vanilla Forums that mjght help