Fresh Install - Wordpress fails

Bug Report Template


I bought a license, did a fresh install on a fresh Alma Linux VM, failed=0, cloudflare enabled and confirmed working (except for apex record bug) and domain added. I submitted a Wordpress install and it failed with the following:

Steps to Reproduce

Detailed above. Error:

TypeError: Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(): Argument #1 ($input) must be of type string, bool given, called in /usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Support/Webapps/App/Type/Wordpress/Wpcli.php on line 78 and defined in /usr/local/apnscp/vendor/symfony/yaml/Yaml.php:76
Stack trace: #0 /usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Support/Webapps/App/Type/Wordpress/Wpcli.php(78): Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(false)
#1 /usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Support/Webapps/App/Type/Wordpress/module.php(175): Module\Support\Webapps\App\Type\Wordpress\Wpcli->setConfiguration(Array) #2 /usr/local/apnscp/lib/Module/Skeleton/Standard.php(145): Wordpress_Module->install(‘’, ‘’, Array)

Expected Behavior

Wordpress would install successfully

Actual Behavior

Wordpress install failed/hung


revision: c19318e239642aeb7179ef951062fdc59f2e5c30
timestamp: 1729625863
ver_maj: 3
ver_min: 2
ver_patch: 0
ver_pre: c19318e23
dirty: false
debug: false

Operating System:


Additional relevant information (e.g., PHP version, database, etc.):

What do the following commands report?

cpcmd -d file:exists '~/.wp-cli/config.yml'
cpcmd -d file:file-get-contents '~/.wp-cli/config.yml'

And anything in /usr/local/apnscp/storage/logs/start.log that would reference that function? Alternatively, you can mail me the log at

Smells like a transient error. I’m not able to reproduce it. Any chance a subsequent install fails as well?

[root@cpanel ~]# cpcmd -d file:exists ‘~/.wp-cli/config.yml’

[root@cpanel ~]# cpcmd -d file:file-get-contents ‘~/.wp-cli/config.yml’
ERROR : apnscpFunctionInterceptor::check_permissions(): command file_file_get_contents' does not exist. Did you mean file_get_file_contents’?
**** 0. Error_Reporter::add_error(“command %(target)s' does not exist. Did you mean %(suggest)s’?”, [[target:“file_file_get_contents”, suggest:“file_get_file_contents”]])****
**** [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/log_wrapper.php:72]****
**** 1. error(“command %(target)s' does not exist. Did you mean %(suggest)s’?”, [target:“file_file_get_contents”, suggest:“file_get_file_contents”])****
**** [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/apnscpfunction.php:1025]****
** 2. apnscpFunctionInterceptor->check_permissions(“file”, “file_get_contents”)**
** [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/apnscpfunction.php:946]**
** 3. apnscpFunctionInterceptor->call(“file_file_get_contents”, [“~/.wp-cli/config.yml”])**
** [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:55]**
** 4. CLI__call(“file_file_get_contents”, [“~/.wp-cli/config.yml”])**
** [/usr/local/apnscp/lib/CLI/cmd.php:574]**
** 5. CLI\main()**
** [/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd:7]**
Reporter level: ERROR
ERROR: apnscpFunctionInterceptor::check_permissions(): command file_file_get_contents' does not exist. Did you mean file_get_file_contents’?

ERROR: apnscpFunctionInterceptor::check_permissions(): command file_file_get_contents' does not exist. Did you mean file_get_file_contents’?

Emailed you the start.log file as well.

/No Idea why some of the text is bold and larger…?

Check with the latest code by running upcp.

It may be linked back to the effective/actual UID checks corrected a few days ago that I saw manifest in plugin updates with multiPHP.

Funny you say that. I was curious if something went hay-wire during the installation so I ran a upcp and got: update=46 failed=0