Is it possible to create a discourse site using ApisCP?

Ok, I have a question: Is it possible to create a discourse site (using a subdomain from InfinityFree)?

There’s a full page of documentation for Discourse, have a look at that first: Discourse | ApisCP Docs

Check out WebApps too: Web Apps | ApisCP Docs

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I get “ERROR: Discourse_Module::install(): Discourse requires at least 1.5 GB memory, `1024’ MB provided for account” when attempting to install discourse


Pretty straightforward I’d say, isn’t it? Discourse requires 1,5GB of RAM while that account has only 1GB allocated.

So I can’t install discourse using ApisCP?

Although my MaxMind GeoLite2 Key was /config (which may have screwed it up!)

Although, with insufficient RAM, does MaxMind GeoLite2 Key really make a difference then?

You may install Discourse on an account that has at least 1.5 GB memory. This Discourse install is running on an ApisCP instance.

GeoLite2 key is required. This is necessary to download MaxMind’s GeoIP database, which had to be decoupled in 2019 due to California’s promulgation of CCPA.