Server to Server Migration Fails


when i want to migrate from server1 to server2
with the instructions provided by;

im getting errros;

beginning migration: <URL> (stage 0)
ERROR  : Util_Process::formatDataCallProc(): ssh: /etc/profile.d/ line 5: /usr/local/share/go/goenv/libexec/../completions/goenv.bash: No such file or directory
/etc/profile.d/ line 5: /usr/local/share/python/pyenv/libexec/../completions/pyenv.bash: No such file or directory
/etc/profile.d/ line 7: /usr/local/share/ruby/rbenv/libexec/../completions/rbenv.bash: No such file or directory
WARNING: file_get_contents(/etc/opcenter/webhost/passwd): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

         0. file_get_contents("/etc/opcenter/webhost/passwd")
         1. CLI\cmd(null, false, "")
         2. CLI\parse([verbose:0, interactive:0, raw:0, delimiter:"", output:"auto", input:"cli", multimode:false, fd:1])
         3. CLI\main()
WARNING: fopen(/etc/opcenter/webhost/passwd): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

what im missing?
Thanks for your help.

Control panel hasn’t finished installing. Refer to installation log for further details.

it reports:

2023-11-02 21:03:35,306 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
  msg: |-
    Error unmounting /tmp: umount: /tmp: target is busy.
2023-11-02 21:03:35,322 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | TASK [Reboot to bring up systemd tmp.mount] ***************************************************************************************************************
2023-11-02 21:03:35,386 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | RUNNING HANDLER [filesystem/make-mounts : Reload tmp.mount] ***********************************************************************************************
2023-11-02 21:03:35,832 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
  msg: |-
    Unable to reload service tmp.mount: Job for tmp.mount failed.
    See "systemctl status tmp.mount" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
2023-11-02 21:03:35,832 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | NO MORE HOSTS LEFT ****************************************************************************************************************************************
2023-11-02 21:03:35,833 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************
2023-11-02 21:03:35,833 p=51012 u=root n=ansible | localhost                  : ok=58   changed=16   unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=32   rescued=1    ignored=0

systemctl status tmp.mount

systemctl status tmp.mount
● tmp.mount - Temporary Directory (/tmp)
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount.d
   Active: active (mounted) since Fri 2023-11-03 17:46:32 CET; 5min ago
    Where: /tmp
     What: tmpfs
     Docs: man:hier(7)
    Tasks: 0 (limit: 152649)
   Memory: 52.0K
   CGroup: /system.slice/tmp.mount

Reboot as instructed by the installer.

Reboot to bring up systemd tmp.mount

thanks! - done that.
resuming the install

TASK [php/create-configuration : Populate OPCache configuration] ****************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
  checksum: e3bc623cedad494a021c0331a7c3cf6ebe83f23e
  msg: Destination directory /etc/php80.d does not exist

PLAY RECAP **********************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=292  changed=8    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=175  rescued=0    ignored=0

run it again.
with 0 fails :slight_smile:

tryed the migration of site1 again:

ERROR  : Opcenter\Account\Create::installServices(): failed verification on service `ipinfo6': Opcenter\Service\Validators\Ipinf...

I’d need to see the full error message. Re-run with env DEBUG=1 ./bin/scripts/transfersite.php …

i have pm’d u the full details

Target server does not have IPv6 enabled. You’ll need to disable IPv6 in the migration command. Creation parameters may be overridden as such:

transfersite.php -c ipinfo6,enabled=0 -s TARGET-SERVER DOMAIN

when i uncheck the ipv6 in the original server it also working :slight_smile:

an other migration in progress with the following:

apnscp_php /usr/local/apnscp/bin/scripts/transfersite.php -DEBUG=1 --stage=0 -s1 <server> site13
INFO   : Multiple domains found, enumerating list
WARNING: {closure}(): No sites found matching `<server>'
beginning migration: <siteurl> (stage 0)
ERROR  : Util_Process::formatDataCallProc(): ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

         0. Error_Reporter::add_error("ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out", )
         1. error("ssh: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out")
         2. Util_Process->formatDataCallProc()
         3. Util_Process->format("apnscp")
         4. Util_Process->_run()
         5. Util_Process->run("ssh 1 'exec 10>&1' \; %s", "/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd misc_platform_version")
         6. Util_Process::exec("ssh 1 'exec 10>&1' \; %s", "/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd misc_platform_version")
         7. CLI_Transfer->_remote_cmd("/usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd misc_platform_version", "/usr/local/apnscp")
         8. CLI_Transfer->_get_dest_platform()
         9. CLI_Transfer->_create_site()
        10. CLI_Transfer->process()
WARN: /usr/local/apnscp/bin/cmd misc_platform_version: NON-ZERO RETURN: 25

looks to me an ssh error?
when ssh into the new server from the old server this works.
so 'm not sure where to look further?

Look at your flag usage. -s1 is meaningless.

what a ### my bad!
Will go to my bed now time for some sleep :slight_smile:
thanks Matt!