Web App standalones

With v3.2.2 released today, all Web Apps have been separated into their own repositories on GitHub. Now it’s easier than ever before to run your own one-off creation of any of the native Web Apps in ApisCP.

For example, don’t like how the WordPress module is built? Fork it! :smiley:

cd /usr/local/apnscp
mkdir -p config/custom/webapps
git clone https://github.com/apisnetworks/apiscp-webapp-wordpress config/custom/webapps/wordpress
./composer dump-autoload -o
systemctl restart apiscp

And now the WordPress module will deliver code from config/custom/webapps/wordpress instead of mainline code.

I’m intentionally keeping the list of native Web Apps lean as the scope of this software is a hosting platform, not a Softaculous clone. There is enough diversity in the native app selection to help create your next cool feature! Demo app provides an excellent integration boilerplate; it’s the only non-native app, which requires slightly different wiring.

Presently ApisCP supports,

Use this thread if you’ve any questions with coding/modifying a Web App. Enjoy! :tada: