SSL Error (new one)

  • Letsencrypt_Module::request(): Opcenter\Crypto\Letsencrypt\AcmeDispatcher::solve(): Failed to validate certificate against key: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch

The account says no SSL installed, which is odd. Trying to add SSL gets the above error.

PEM returned from the challenge doesn’t match the key generated. You may want to add debugging routines to see what the content is. On line 424 add:

debug("x509: {$x509}\nkey: {$key}");

Then run the request in debug mode, env DEBUG=1 cpcmd -d siteXX letsencrypt:request '[host1,host2]'

From there you can use openssl x509 to inspect the certificate.

Ohh man, if only the system would log the failure automatically so we could check and see what happened instead of having to manually do it from the CLI.

The panel reports no installed SSL. So I tried to add a wildcard. It failed with that error.
Now I reloaded the page and it shows a valid SSL cert and wildcard no less. Maybe it was a fluke, not sure.

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