WP and Drupal -1 Click Installer Fails

Message from wordpress installer

ERROR: Lararia\Jobs\Job::handle(): Job failed - fatal error: Target file /var/www/html/wp-config.php does not exist

Message from drupal:

 ERROR: serial(): Module\Support\Webapps\ComposerWrapper::exec(): Failed executing Composer command ` -d memory_limit=-1 /usr/bin/composer --no-interaction -q require drush/drush': PHP Warning: Version warning: Imagick was compiled against ImageMagick version 1692 but version 1693 is loaded. Imagick will run but may behave surprisingly in Unknown on line 0 Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
ERROR: Drupal_Module::install(): Failed to install Drupal:
ERROR: DataStream::pipeline(): File_Module::set_acls(): no files to adjust!

Version: (should be edge-major)

# git describe

git branch

* master

In Contrast Drupal and some others work flawless. Anyone else seeing this kind of error?

PHP version is too old for the site. Drupal 10+ requires at least PHP 8.1. imagick warning is irrelevant, running upcp -m '*release-imagick-ref*' will re-run the migration from 2024/08/16 to release the old libMagickCore reference within vfs.

Oh, i missed that one for drupal.

Doesnt explain the wordpress error.


PHP version is also too old to support install. That file check is an unwind error when applying enqueued callbacks.

Same root cause, different symptoms.

I stand corrected. Related to FTP_USER usage. Fixed in edge now :+1: